M4 Design Competition (Part 1)

  CarpetVista Design Competition

The guidelines for this competition are as follows:

1.  The carpet design should have a modern feeling
2.  Can do a design for a round, square or rectangular carpet (I have decided to do a design that will fit any all of these sizes.
3.  The design should suit a carpet that measures up to 6'7" x 9"8"
4.  The theme is sustainable, therefore a design that will be conducive to using wool.  (Being a lifetime purchaser of wool rugs and my time going to carpet factories while living in Taiwan, I feel my designs can be executed using wool with no problems).

     Other parameters are:

1.  The design should be creative and commercially viable
2.  The design must be original
3.  The carpet will be made by hand, so shades can be a challenge
4.  Avoid complex forms and fine details

     One big problem I have is that entries must be submitted October 28, 2019.  I am trying my hardest to get this finished.  If I can't I will surely enter next year.  As soon as I read about this competition, my mind started churning with design ideas.  Here are some of them.  My chosen one will be the last one.  My inspiration for it is the ceiling of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy.

     I had a lot of different ideas.  I used color pencil on some of them to see what they would look like in different colors.

     I will be using Photoshop and Illustrator.

Just trying out different colors.

I see that my design will work on all three different size rugs which is what I wanted.  Hopefully they will like the fact that I created a design that can be made to be used on a square, round or rectangular carpet.  
